Mosques & Zaouias



The Great Mosque - Kairouan - The Cemetery




The Great Mosque - Kairouan




The Great Mosque - Kairouan




The Great Mosque - Kairouan




The Zaouia of Sidi Sahab - Kairouan




The Zaouia of Sidi Sahab - Kairouan




The Zaouia of Sidi Sahab - Kairouan




The Zaouia of Sidi Sahab - Kairouan




The Zaouia of Sidi Sahab - Kairouan




The Zaouia of Sidi Sahab - Kairouan




Mosque of Sidi Bou Makhlouf - El Kef




Mosque of Sidi Bou Makhlouf - El Kef




Mosque of Sidi Bou Makhlouf - El Kef




Tunis Mosque



<Medinas & Souks                    Top                    Archaeological Sites>

The Tunisia Photos:-






The 4th holiest Mosque in Islam, is one of the oldest & largest in Tunisia.















A very simple, but impressive mosque.




























































All the columns were taken from various early Roman ruins. To me the fact that none of the columns or capitals matched made the interior & the courtyard look a little bit ludicrous.

















Unlike the Great Mosque, this Zaouia (i.e. mausoleum) is very ornate.


















































































































































Attached to the Zaouia is a Madrasa.

















































































Tucked away in the centre of the French colonial area is this colourful mosque - almost opposite the very grand Catholic cathedral.














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