Yangtze River Cruise



Wuhan - Princess Sheena






Yangtze - Xiling Gorge



Yangtze - Xiling Gorge



Yangtze, Lesser Three Gorges



Yangtze - Lesser Three Gorges



Yangtze - Lesser Three Gorges






There are some Extra Photos of the Yangtze or you can move on to the  Three Gorges Dam Photos


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Our China Photos are organised into:- Beijing  Forbidden City  Beijing & Great Wall  Wuhan & Chongqing  Yangtze  Three Gorges Dam and Xian





We have fond memories of the Princess Sheena. It was originally Russian built to cruise the Volga. I never did figure out how it came to be plying the Yangtze.











The Yangtze is one of the longest rivers in the world. This is a typical scene along the 4-day cruise, going upstream.






















There were these enormous steep hills along most of the route and every so often there were would be 200 metre height markers to show how high the river would rise once the dam was completed. It was very difficult to imagine such a massive river rising so high.

























































I used to love just sitting at the front of the boat seeing the spectacular scenery float slowly by. A great way to chill out.






























I had planned to take a swim in the Yangtze - Mao style. However the water looked too dirty to try.




















The bridge to the right of this photo was due to be demolished, as the Yangtze would rise up to it after the dam is completed. This gives some idea of the scale of the dam project.



















A typical boat along the river.



















Fishing boats.









Our China Photos are organised into:- Beijing  Forbidden City  Beijing & Great Wall  Wuhan & Chongqing  Yangtze  Three Gorges Dam and Xian

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