Havana - Museo de la Revolucion



Museo de la Revolucion



Museo de la Revolucion Dome



Salon de los Espejos



Grand Staircase



Fedel & Che upstaging Ann



Granma Memorial



King Fisher Aircraft



Fargo Truck




<Necropolis Cristobal Colon              Top                  Hotel Nacional>

Cuba Photos:-






Previously the Presidential Palace, it is now the main museum of the Revolution.


The very grandiose surroundings show rather dusty exhibits and mementoes from the 1950's & 1960's.
































This reception hall is modelled on the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles.


















































A rather tacky model of Fidel & Che in action.

















The Granma is the historic boat that brought 82 rebels to Cuba in 1956, of which only 20 survived the attack from Batista's forces - including Fidel, Raul, Che and Camilo Cienfuegos.


In the grounds of the museum is the specially built enclosure for the Granma. Unfortunately the iconic Granma is housed in a glass enclosure in such a way as to make it impossible to take a proper photo of it (the best I could do is below).






This USA-built plane belonged to Batista's Navy. Seized while making a forced landing, it was then used by the Rebel Army.
















This "Fargo" truck was used to carry 42 of the 50 assailants who took part in the attack on the Presidential Palace on 13th March 1957. The mission only just failed to assassinate the dictator, Batista.

















Outside the front of the museum stands this tank which was used by Fidel Castro during the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961.













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