Bavaria Munich Residenz



The Shell Grotto



The Antiquarium



The Antiquarium



The Antiquarium



One of The Electoral Rooms



A cool passageway



The Imperial Hall



The Green Gallery



The State Bedroom



The State Bedroom



The Miniatures Room



Hofkapelle - The Court Chapel



Reiche Kapelle - The Rich Chapel



The Ancestral Gallery



The Porcelain Cabinet



The Cuvillies Theatre



The Treasury



Statuette of St George



Portable Altar



Golgotha by Christoph Angermair 1631 - A particularly superb ivory high relief


<Munich                          Top                          Fussen>

Bavaria Photos:-



On a particularly wet & blustery day, we were glad to be indoors exploring the massive & rambling Residenz.

The Residenz originated in the 14th century as a moated castle & was enlarged by each successive generation of the Wittelsbach rulers as the Bavarian seat of government. It consists of a large number of state halls, rooms, courtyards and galleries with the odd chapel & theatre thrown in for good measure. Really a day is not enough to do it all justice.

Each part of the complex was stunning in its own right. Being built over the centuries, there is no coherence to the archtectural forms or decoration. Most European styles and motifs over the last 600 years were represented in one hall or another. I have never visted any such large royal complex of buildings with so much variety.

Unfortunately a lot of the buildings were bombed and destroyed in WWII (by us....) and have had to be recreated.

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