Valley of the Nobles & the Worker's Village



Valley of the Nobles




Valley of the Nobles




Deir el Medina




Deir el Medina



<Theban Necropolis                                Temples along the Nile>





Not as well known as the Valley of the Kings, the burial tombs of the nobles are nevertheless very much worth a visit. The wall decorations show more daily scenes and are less stylised than the Pharaoh's ones. Again no photographs inside.


This is me outside the tomb of Ramose.



















Unlike the Pharaohs, the nobles were not buried with any riches to tempt future grave robbers, hence they were pleased to erect a stele outside their tombs giving information on the incumbents.






















Going down the social scale, the nearby tomb workers' village is set in its own pleasant valley. This is the remains of a small planned village with neat rows of houses, all built to the same scale.




















Not to be outdone by their Kings, the workers built their own small pyramids for their own burials.











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