Wuhan & Chongqing Extra Photos



Wuhan, Yellow Crane Tower

The Tower has a fascinating tale. Legend says there used to be a wine shop owned by a young man named Xin. One day, a Taoist priest, in gratitude for free wine, drew a magic crane on the wall of the shop and instructed it to dance whenever it heard clapping. Thousands of people came to see the spectacle and the place was always full of customers (legend doesn’t say whether they saw the crane dance before or after they bought wine). After 10 years, the priest revisited the wine shop. He supposedly played a flute and then rode the magic crane to the sky. In memory of the encounter, the Xins built the Yellow Crane Tower.



Wuhan, Yellow Crane Tower



Hubei Provincial Museum



Hubei Provincial Museum, Concert






Wanxian Market



Wanxian Market



Wanxian Market



Chongqing, National Auditorium




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I called them Pagodas but our guides always called them Towers.






































There is a nice park surrounding the Tower.






















The Chime bells are spectacular. Traditional Chinese musical is so very different to what we are used to, I found it very difficult to follow.



















A traditional Chinese concert was certainly charming and gave us a well earned rest from all the sight seeing.

















It looked as though chaos was reigning all about.






















Wanxian is a stop along the Yangtze cruise with a large market.














































Animals are not treated humanely at these markets - but then they don't have a long life-expectancy.





















Answer: of course not......


























Chongqing was the end of our Yangtze cruise. Another enormous city.







Our China Photos are organised into:- Beijing  Forbidden City  Beijing & Great Wall  Wuhan & Chongqing  Yangtze  Three Gorges Dam and Xian

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